Five Ways To Apply 'The Secret' In Your Every Day Life

The Secret changed my life; it was the first book I read that made me think about my perspective and challenged my everyday thoughts. It was the beginning of a long love for self-awareness, motivation, and positivity. The law of attraction became something I tested often and used to my every advantage. I still use this practice as a form of manifestation to learn about who I am and what I want. Below are the five ways I use the law of attraction in my life and how they help me refocus on my goals.

1. Gratitude

I think one of the most important aspects of using the law of attraction is being grateful for what you have already attracted. Thanking whatever higher power you believe in for your health, wellness, support system and everything else that keeps you going. Every day, I like to list ten things I'm thankful for. Things that get me through the day, things that bring me peace or joy, and things that I once manifested that I now have. Doing this reminds the universe of what you want and reminds you of what you did to get those things. A chance to revisit the joyful feelings of everything you already have. You go through anxious feelings throughout the day and this will subside the constant worrying.

2. Visualization

One thing I always say to my friends that really want something is to "feel the feelings." Close your eyes and pretend that you already have it, really sit in the emotions that you would experience touching it. Whatever it may be, just let your imagination run wild with living the life you want. This will spark the 'thoughts are things' aspect in the law of attraction. Moving you closer to your tangible goal. I like to create vision boards to really take a look at what I want. Seeing myself move into that dream home, vacationing on white sandy beaches and driving my Tesla on the way to my dream job. It seems silly to fantasize about a make-believe life but this is how people make it happen. They see what they want and start to understand all the measurable steps it takes to get there. And trust, there are many steps to your many goals, which leads me to my next practice; writing.

3. Writing

Writing, as you can imagine, is my favorite form of manifestation. It's a chance to get all your thoughts on paper and really see how your mind is working. There are times when I write that I notice my negativity once I let it out. Revealing the latest mishaps in my life and reminding me to focus. I mainly like to create lists. To-Do Lists, Goals, Big Goals, Business Plans, Workout Plans, Meal plans that I never cook, and everything else in between. My life is an ever growing list that I don't think will ever be fully completed. A form of stability for me to see exactly where I stand in my goals. A layout for what I need to get done and how long until I reach the end result.

4. Meditation

Although we want to explore every corner of our imagination to use the universe to our advantage; it pays to take a moment and put it on pause. With our minds running with emotions and busy catching up with schedules it's crucial to give it all a break. I highly suggest quiet meditation, I light a candle, put on my diffuser and salt lamp, spray some lavender and sit in a comfortable position on the floor. I tend to do body scans by acknowledging each chakra and then letting it all go blank. Letting my mind go wild with everything I'm worried about and then honing my thoughts back into nothing. Allowing myself to sit in peace and forget about all the stresses life naturally brings. There are many forms of meditation but its all about finding what works for you. I use to use apps like Headspace and Calm. There are also different meditations to rebalance chakras and those who include mantras. Now I set a timer for 20-30 min and will eventually incorporate sound therapy.

5. Action

The only way to make things happen is to act on the opportunities given. Take a risk on your past experience and relish in each moment, whether you fail or succeed. it is all a lesson to be learned. Everything happens for a reason, so prepare for the moment to come because you have been waiting for it by visualizing, writing, and meditating on it. Don't let fear stop you from getting what you truly want, take the risk and live in happiness. Action is the difference between those who daydream and those who manifest. If you want to have it all, you have to make it happen. At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is that you are in control of your destiny. It's all about perspective and how you persevere through the obstacles life throws at you. I like to think of all the successful people who have rags to riches stories and how the book explains that all those people knew they would make it. They knew for a fact they reach their goals. That is how you apply the secret, through confidence and hard work.

Kim Quitzon

Kim Quitzon is a multimedia journalist specialized in documentary filmmaking and social media storytelling. She is a SoCal Journalism Award winner for her work on Dímelo and recently received her Master’s from USC Annenberg. She has been featured on Home Grown Radio, Blurred Culture, and Pharcyde TV. Follow her travels on @kimquitzon.

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